Peer Reviewed Publications/Journals
Rivers, E., J. L. Heitman, R. A. Mclaughlin, and A. Howard. Submitted. Reducing roadside runoff: tillage and compost improve stormwater mitigation in urban soils. Environmental Management.
Kranz, C., R. A. McLaughlin, A. Johnson, G. Miller, and J. L. Heitman. 2020. The effects of compost incorporation on soil physical properties in urban soils – a concise review. Journal of Environmental Management 261.
Kang, J., McLaughlin, R.A. Polyacrylamide and chitosan biopolymer for flocculation and turbidity reduction in soil suspensions. J Polym Environ 28, 1335–1343 (2020).
Cizek, A. R., J. P Johnson, F. Birgand, W. F. Hunt, R. A McLaughlin. 2019. Insights from using in-situ ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy to assess nitrogen treatment and subsurface dynamics in a regenerative stormwater conveyance (RSC) system. Journal of Environmental Management 252:
Wissler, A., W. F. Hunt, R. A. McLaughlin. 2020. Hydrologic and water quality performance of two aging and unmaintained dry detention basins receiving highway stormwater runoff in the Piedmont North Carolina . Journal of Environmental Management 255.
Lee, G., R.A. McLaughlin, K.D. Whitely, and V.K. Brown. 2018. Evaluation of seven mulch treatments for erosion control and vegetation establishment on steep slopes. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(4):434-442; doi:10.2489/jswc.73.4.434.
Buczek, S. B., W. G. Cope, R. A. McLaughlin, and T. Kwak. 2018. Sublethal effects of turbidity, sediment, and polyacrylamide on native freshwater mussels. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54(3): 631–643.
Buczek, S. B., W. G. Cope, R. A. McLaughlin, and T. Kwak. 2017. Acute toxicity of polyacrylamide flocculants to early life stages of freshwater mussels. Environ. Tox. Chem. 36(10): 2715-2721.
Mohammadshirazi, F., V. K. Brown, R. A. McLaughlin, and J. L. Heitman. 2017. A multiyear study of tillage and amendment effects on compacted soil. J. Env. Mgmt. 203 (1): 533-541.
Mohammadshirazi, F., V. K. Brown, R. A. McLaughlin, and J. L. Heitman. 2016. Improving infiltration with tillage in compacted soils: grass establishment phase. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(6):443-449; doi:10.2489/jswc.71.6.443
Kang, J., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2016. Simple systems for treating pumped, turbid water with flocculants and a geotextile dewatering bag. Journal of Environmental Management 182 (2016) 208-213.
Kang, J., S. E. King, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2015. Settling of suspended particles by flocculation can reduce the size of sediment basin. Journal of Environmental Management 166: 450-456. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.10.049.
Brown, R. F., R. A. McLaughlin, and G. D. Jennings. 2015. Factors affecting sediment basin efficiency on highway construction sites in the piedmont region of North Carolina. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. 58(3) DOI 10.13031/trans.58.10405.
Kang, J., A. Amoozegar, J. L. Heitman, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2014. Granular and dissolved polyacrylamide effects on erosion and runoff under simulated rainfall. J. Environ. Qual. 43(6): 1972-1979 doi:10.2134/jeq2014.01.0022.
Kang, J., S. E. King, R. A. McLaughlin. 2014. Impacts of flocculation on sediment basin performance and design. Trans. Am Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. 57(4): 1099-1107.
Kang, J., S. E. King, R. A. McLaughlin, J. D. Wiseman. 2014. Flocculated sediment and runoff quality improvement by polyacrylamide. Trans. Am Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. 57(3) 861-867.
Kang, J., J. W. Vetter, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2014. Chemical treatment to reduce turbidity in pumped construction site water. J. Environ. Engr. (accepted)
Kang, J., T. D. Sowers, O. W. Duckworth, A. Amoozegar, J. L. Heitman, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2013. Turbidimetric determination of anionic polyacrylamide in low carbon soil extracts. J. Environ. Qual. 42:1902–1907. doi:10.2134/jeq2013.07.0279
Kang, J., M. M. McCaleb, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2013. Check dam and polyacrylamide performance under simulated stormwater runoff. J. Envir. Mgmt. 129: 593-598. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.08.023
Haynes, M. A., R. A. McLaughlin, and J. L. Heitman. 2013. Comparison of methods to remediate compacted soils for infiltration and vegetative establishment. Open J. Soil Sci. 3(5): 225-234. DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2013.35027
Babcock, D. L., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2013. Erosion control effectiveness of straw, hydromulch, and polyacrylamide in a rainfall simulator. J. Soil Water Cons. 52(6): 1859-1867
Babcock, D. L., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2011. Runoff water quality and vegetative establishment for ground covers on steep slopes. J. Soil Water Cons. 66(2):132-141.
Bhardwaj, A. K., R. A. McLaughlin, and G. J. Levy. 2010. Depositional seals in polyacrylamide-amended soils of varying clay mineralogy and texture. Journal of Soils and Sediments Science 10(3): 494-504.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. A. Hayes, D. L. Clinton, M. S. McCaleb, and G. D. Jennings. 2009. Water quality improvements using modified sediment control systems on construction sites. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. 52(6): 1859-1867.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. E. King, and G. D. Jennings. 2009. Improving construction site runoff with fiber check dams and polyacrylamide. J. Soil and Water Cons. 64(2):144-154.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. A. Hayes, D. R. Clinton, M. S. McCaleb, and G. D. Jennings. 2008. Water quality improvements using modified sediment control systems on construction sites. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. (in press).
Bhardwaj, A. K., R.A. McLaughlin, I. Shainberg, and G.J. Levy. 2008. Polyacrylamide and exchangeable cation effects on the hydraulic conductivity and flocculation of depositional seals made of different clays. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Journal 73: 910-918.
McCaleb, M. M., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2008. Sediment trapping by five different sediment detention devices on construction sites. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Vol. 51(5): 1613-1621
Bhardwaj, A. J., R. A. McLaughlin, and D. L. Babcock. 2008. Energy dissipation and chemical treatment to improve stilling basin performance. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Vol. 51(5): 1645-1652
Bhardwaj, A. J., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2008. Simple polyacrylamide dosing systems for turbidity reduction in stilling basins. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Vol. 51(5): 1653-1662.
McLaughlin, R. A. and N. Bartholomew. 2007. Effects of polyacrylamide and soil properties on flocculation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71:537-544
Moore, A. D., R. A. McLaughlin, H. Mitosova, and D. E. Line. 2007. Calibrating WEPP Model parameters for erosion prediction on construction sites. Trans. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. Transactions of the ASABE. 50(2): 507-516.
McLaughlin, R. A. and T. T. Brown. 2006. Performance of erosion control materials and polyacrylamide under field and rainfall simulator conditions. J. Am. Water Res. Assoc. 42(3):675-684.
McLaughlin, R. A., M. V. Barringer, and J. F. Brady. 2006. Methods of analysis for parent triazines and metabolites: a review of recent developments. In The Triazine Herbicides, H. M. LeBaron, L. P. Gianessi, and J. E. McFarland, eds. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (In press).
Thaxton, C. S. and R. A. McLaughlin. 2005. Sediment capture effectiveness of various baffles types in a sediment retention pond. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 48(5): 1795-1802.
Hayes, S. A., R.A. McLaughlin, and D.L. Osmond. 2005. Polyacrylamide use for erosion and turbidity control on construction sites. J. Soil and Water Cons. 60(4):193-199.
Thaxton, C. S., J. Calantoni, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2004. Hydrodynamic assessment of various types of baffles in a sediment detention pond .Transactions of the ASAE. Vol. 47(3): 741-749.
Bellinger, B., R. A. McLaughlin, and L. B. McCarthy. 2001. Effective, Safe, and Legal Use of Pesticides. In Best Golf Course Practices, L. B. McCarthy, Coordinating Author. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Klaine, S. J., R. A. McLaughlin, B. Bellinger, B. L. Forsythe II, L. B. McCarthy, and T. R. Rainwater. 2001. Best Golf Course Environmental Protection Strategies. In Best Golf Course Practices, L. B. McCarthy, Coordinating Author. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Line, D. E., D. L. Osmond, R. A. McLaughlin, W. A. Harman, K. L. Tweedy, L. A. Lombardo, and J. Spooner. 2000. Nonpoint sources. Water Environment Research 72(5): 1054-1069
Line, D. E., G. D. Jennings, R. A. McLaughlin, ,D. L. Osmond, W. A. Harman, L. A. Lombardo, K. L. Tweedy, and J. Spooner. 1999. Nonpoint Sources. Water Env. Res 71(5): 1054-1069.
McLaughlin, R. A. and B. S. Johnson. 1997. Optimizing recoveries of two chlorotriazine herbicide metabolites and 11 pesticides from aqueous samples using solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 790:161-167.
Line, D. E., D. L. Osmond, S. W. Coffey, R. A. McLaughlin, G. D. Jennings, J. A. Gale, and J. Spooner. 1997. Nonpoint Sources. Water Env. Res 69(4): 844-860.
Hansen, E. A. , R. A. McLaughlin, and P. E. Pope. 1988. Biomass and nitrongen dynamics in irrigated hybrid poplar plantations: implications for fertilization strategy. Can. J. For. Res. 18 (2): 223-230.
McLaughlin, R.A., P.E. Pope, and E.A. Hansen. 1985. Ground cover and fertilizer in a hybrid poplar plantation: effects on nitrate leaching. J. Environ. Qual. 14:241-245.
Reports, Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
McLaughlin, R. A., and G. D. Jennings. 2007. Minimizing Water Quality Impacts from Road Construction Projects. NC Dept. Transp. Final Report # FHWA/NC/2006-21.
McLaughlin, R. A. 2006. Polyacrylamide blocks for turbidity control on construction sites. Am. Soc. Ag. Biol. Eng. Meeting Presentation Paper Number: 062254.
Markusic, M. S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2006. Evaluating sediment capture rates for different basin designs. Soil Sci. Soc. North Carolina Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, USA.
McLaughlin, R. A. 2006. Review of construction site erosion, sediment, and turbidity control evaluations. Soil Water Cons. Soc. Ann. Mtg, Keystone, CO, USA.
Vetter, J. W., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2006. Chemical treatment to reduce turbidity in borrow pit discharges. Soil Water Cons. Soc. Ann. Mtg, Keystone, CO, USA.
Markusic, M. S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2006. Evaluating sediment capture rates for different basin designs. Soil Water Cons. Soc. Ann. Mtg, Keystone, CO, USA.
Vetter, J. W., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2006. Chemical treatment to reduce turbidity in borrow pit discharges. World Congress of Soil Sci., July 10-14, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
McLaughlin, R. A. 2005. The potential for polyacrylamide for erosion and turbidity control. University Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference: River and Lake Restoration: Changing Landscapes. July 11-14, 2005. Portland, ME.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. A. Hayes, D. R. Clinton, S. Mort, and M. Matthews. 2005. Turbidity reduction using polyacrylamide: the results are clear, sometimes. NC WRRI Annual Conf., Aprl 5, 2005, Raleigh, NC.
Mitasova, H., Thaxton, C., Hofierka, J., McLaughlin, R., Moore, A., and Mitas L., 2005, Path sampling method for modeling overland water flow, sediment transport and short term terrain evolution in Open Source GIS. In: C.T. Miller, M.W. Farthing, V.G. Gray, G.F. Pinder eds., Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XV), June 13-17 2004, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Elsevier, pp. 1479-1490.
Wossink, A., H. Mitosova, and R. McLaughlin. The Cost Effectiveness of Standard and Alternative Sediment and Turbidity Control Systems on Construction Sites in North Carolina. NC Water Resources Research Report (final draft submitted).
McLaughlin, R. A. 2004. Measures to Reduce Erosion and Turbidity in Construction Site Runoff. NC DOT Final Report FHWA/NC/2002-023.
Thaxton, C. S., H. Mitasova, L. Mitas, and R. A. McLaughlin. 2004. Landscape-scale grain size dependent simulations of erosion and deposition using a path sampling method. Proc. ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting, August 1-4, 2004, Ottawa ,ON, Canada Paper 204(SW-21).
Thaxton, C.S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2004. Optimal hydraulic permeability of composite geotextiles as baffles in a sedimentation basin. Proc. ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting, August 1-4, 2004 Ottawa, ON, Canada. Paper 218(SW-224).
Mitas, L., J. Hofierka, , R. A. McLaughlin, A. D. Moore, and C. S. Thaxton. 2004. Path sampling method for modeling overland water flow and sediment transport in open source GIS. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, June 2004.
Clinton, D. R., G. D. Jennings, R. A. McLaughlin, and D. A. Bidelspach. 2004. Sediment and erosion control techniques on stream restoration projects. In: Self-Sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds, Proceedings of the 12-15 September 2004 Conference (St. Paul, Minnesota USA) Publication Date 12 September 2004 ASAE Publication Number 701P0904. Ed. J. L. D’Ambrosio.
McLaughlin, R. A. 2003. Potential improvements in sediment and turbidity controls at construction sites. In: 2nd Conf. Watershed Mgmt. to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations, Nov. 8-12, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng., St. Joseph, MI.
Moore, A. D. 2003. Modeling construction site impacts on watersheds. In: 2nd Conf. Watershed Mgmt. to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations, Nov. 8-12, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng., St. Joseph, MI.
Thaxton, C. S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2003. Hydrodynamic and sediment capture assessment of various baffles in a sediment basin. In: 2nd Conf. Watershed Mgmt. to Meet Emerging TMDL Environmental Regulations, Nov. 8-12, 2003, Albuquerque, NM. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng., St. Joseph, MI.
McLaughlin, R. A. and J. W. Gilliam. 2002. Using Natural and Landscaped Buffers to Reduce Pollutant Loading from Agricultural Runoff. Water Res. Research Inst. of the U. of N. C. Report # 340. 53 pages.
McLaughlin, R. A. 2002. Measures to Reduce Erosion and Turbidity in Construction Site Runoff. N. C. Dept. of Trans. & Ctr. For Trans. & Environ. Joint Project 2001-05 Final Report. 131 pages.
Bartholomew, N., R. A. McLaughlin, and D.L. Hesterberg, 2002. Polyacrylamide to Reduce Turbidity in Runoff. Agronomy Society of America Annual Meetings.
S. A. Hayes, R. A. McLaughlin, N. Bartholomew, and D. L. Osmond. 2002. Polyacrylamide Use for Erosion and Turbidity Control. Agronomy Abs., Agron. Soci. Am., Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. A. Hayes, N. Bartholomew, and D. L. Osmond. 2002. Testing Polyacrylamides for Erosion and Turbidity Control. Abs., Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meetings.
McLaughlin, R. A., S. A. Hayes, and D. L. Osmond. 2002. Testing polyacrylamides for turbidity and erosion control. Intn’l Erosion Cntrl. Assoc. Proc. Of Conf. 33: 407-418. Intn’t Erosion Cntrl. Assoc., Steamboat Springs, CO.
McLaughlin, R. A., N. Rajbhandari. 2001. Polyacrylamide for turbidity control on construction sites. Agronomy Abs., Agron. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
Rajbhandari, N., and R. A. McLaughlin. 2001. Effectiveness of a skimmer in improving sediment basin performance. Agronomy Abs., Agron. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A., W. F. Hunt, N. Rajbhandari, D. S. Ferrante, R. E. Sheffield. 2001. The sediment and erosion control research and education facility at North Carolina State University. In Soil Erosion Research for the 21st Century. J. C. Ascough II and D. C. Flanagan, eds. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. , St. Joseph, MI, USA.
McLaughlin, R. A., W. P. Hunt, D. E. Line, R. E. Sheffield, and N. M. White. 2000. New sediment and erosion control research and education facility. In 43rd Annual Meeting, Vol. XLIII Proceedings, Soil Science Society of North Carolina.
Prezepiora, A., and R. A. McLaughlin. 1999. Erosion prevention and sediment control in highly denuded areas. In 42nd Annual Meeting, Vol. XLII Proceedings, Soil Science Society of North Carolina.
McLaughlin, R. A., and G. D. Jennings. 1999. Water quality trends at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. In 42nd Annual Meeting, Vol. XLII Proceedings, Soil Science Society of North Carolina.
Ferrante, D. S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 1999. Predicting pesticide concentrations on a USGA golf green. In 42nd Annual Meeting, Vol. XLII Proceedings, Soil Science Society of North Carolina.
McLaughlin, R. A., and G. D. Jennings. 1998. Turf impacts on water quality. North Carolina Turfgrass 16(6):28-30.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. D. Jennings, K. C. Matson, and G. C. Naderman. 1998. Land use impacts on water quality in the Coastal Plain. Agron. Abstracts. Am. Soc. of Agron.
Miner, D. L., G. D. Jennings, M. C. Wiggins, and R. A. McLaughlin. 1998. North Carolina residential well nitrate and pesticide screening results. In: Proc. NC Water Resources Research Conf., Raleigh, NC.
Przepiora, A., R. A. McLaughlin, W. Faircloth, and D. L. Hesterberg. 1998. Methods for reducing sediment discharge from construction sites. Agron. Abs., Ag. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A., and K. C. Matson. 1998. Approaches to predicting ground water vulnerability to pesticide contamination. Abs., Am. Chem. Soc. Annual Mtg, Boston, MA. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, D. C.
Ferrante, D. S., and R. A. McLaughlin. 1998. The fate of pesticides in a golf green. Agron. Abs., Agron. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
Weber, J. B., R. A. McLaughlin, H. F. Wade, and E. Morey. 1997. Finding and predicting pesticides in groundwater in North Carolina. In B. M. Gatewood, A. M. Lewis, and A. C. Robinson (eds.). Consumer Environmental Issues: Safety, Health, Chemicals, and Textiles in the Near Environment, pp. 211-220. International Symposium Proceedings, St. Petersburg, FL, May 7-9, 1997. Kansas State University Publishers, Manhattan, KS.
Jennings, G. D., W. A. Harman, R. A. McLaughlin, T. A. Carter, D. R. Clinton, and N. J. Woerner. 1997. McLendons Creek watershed water quality assessment and management. ASAE Paper 972197 presented at the 1997 ASAE Intl. Mtg., Minneapolis, MN. Am. Soc. Agr. Eng., St. Joseph, MI.
Miner, D., M. C. Wiggins, G. D. Jennings, and R. A. McLaughlin. 1997. Private drinking water well screening and education. In: Proc. Nutrients in the Neuse River: Working Toward Solutions, New Bern, NC. p. 72.
McLaughlin, R. A., D. L. Osmond, M. Cook, and N. Rajbhandari. 1997. Accomplishments and challenges of data collection and modeling in North Carolina demonstration projects. In: USDA National Water Quality Symposium, Washington, D.C., September 22-26.
Jennings, G. D., W. A. Harman, R. A. McLaughlin, T. A. Carter, D. R. Clinton, and N. J. Woerner. 1997. McLendon’s Creek watershed water quality assessment and management. Presented at 1997 ASAE Annual International Summer Meeting, Paper No. 972197.
Cook, M., S. Coffey, E. Emory, F. Humenik, G. Jennings, R. McLaughlin, B. Pleasants, M. Rice, C. Stallings, G. Upton, G. Stem, P. Gabriel, R. Hansard, W. Spencer, M. Sugg, P. Hunt, T. Matheny, J. Novak, K. Stone, and A. Szogi. 1997. Demonstration and hydrologic unit projects in North Carolina: the team approach to improving water quality. In: USDA National Water Quality Symposium, Washington, D.C., September 22-26, 1997.
Humenik, F. J., S. Broome, S. Coffey, M. Cook, E. Emory, G. Jennings, M. Marra, R. McLaughlin, D. Osmond, M. Rice, C. Stallings, P. Hunt, M. Johnson, T. Matheny, J. Millen, J. Novak, J. Sadler, K. Stone, A. Szogi, M. Vanotti, D. Watts, G. Stem, M. Sugg. 1997. North Carolina agricultural systems for environmental quality (ASEQ) project. In: USDA National Water Quality Symposium, Washington, D.C., September 22-26, 1997.
Stallings, C. S. Khorram, S. Coffey, M. Rice, G. Jennings, F. Humenik, R. Huffman, K. Stone, K. Matson, R. McLaughlin, D. Osmond, M. Cook, N. Rajbhandari. 1997. Accomplishments and challenges of data collection and modeling in North Carolina demonstration watershed project. In: USDA National Water Quality Symposium, Washington, D.C., September 22-26, 1997.
McLaughlin, R. A, K. C. Matson, N. B. Rajbhandari, G. D. Jennings, and J. B. Weber. 1997. Predicting agricultural impacts on ground water: testing combinations of indices, models, and GIS in small watersheds. In Application of GIS, Remote Sensing, Geostatistics, and Solute Transport Modeling to the Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone. Am. Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, October 19-24, 1997, Riverside, CA, USA.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. D. Jennings, J.M. Pitman, J. Owen, J. Sidebottom, and D Hundley. 1996. Restoring and protecting the water supply function of a Christmas tree production watershed. In Proc. Am. Water Resources Assoc. Annual Symposium, Syracuse, NY, July 14-17.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. C. Naderman, and G. D. Jennings. 1996. Tillage impacts on groundwater quality: a long-term experiment. Agron. Abs., Agronomy Soc. Of Am. Annual Mtg, Indianapolis, IN. Agron. Soc. Am. ,Madison, WI.
Alati, S. M., R. A. McLaughlin, G. D. Jennings, C. Stallings, and K. C. Matson. 1996. Factors important to predicting pesticide movement to groundwater in a Coastal Plain watershed. Agron. Abs., Agronomy Soc. Of Am. Annual Mtg, Indianapolis, IN. Agron. Soc. Am. ,Madison, WI.
Steele, K. L., R. A. McLaughlin, and R. L. Mikkelsen. 1996. Interactions between animal waste and atrazine. Agron. Abs., Agronomy Soc. Of Am. Annual Mtg, Indianapolis, IN. Agron. Soc. Am. ,Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A., and B. S. Johnson. 1996. Optimizing triazine metabolite recovery from water using C18 solid-phase extraction. Abs., Am. Chem. Soc. Annual Mtg, New Orleans, LA. Am. Chem. Soc, Washington, D. C.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. D. Jennings, and D. Miner. 1996. Risk communication approaches in well testing programs. Abs., Am. Chem. Soc. Annual Mtg., New Orleans, LA. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, D. C.
Naderman, G. C., R. A. McLaughlin, and R. Sasser. 1996. A new approach to conservation tillage research in North Carolina. Abs., Ann. Mtg So. Assoc. Ag. Sci., Greensboro, NC.
Jennings, G. D., W. G. Lord, R. A. McLaughlin, G. T. Roberson, C. K. Jones, and J. M. Patterson. Devils Cradle Creek watershed project. In: Proc. SOLUTIONS: A Technical Conf. on Water Quality, March 19-21, 1996. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. Pp. 154-156.
McLaughlin, R. A., and G. D. Jennings. 1996. Improving water quality in a Christmas tree production watershed. Watershed Wet Weather Tech. Bull. 1(2):10-13.
McLaughlin, R. A. 1996. Pesticides in the turf environment. North Carolina Turfgrass, Nov/Dec, pp. 36-41. Turfgrass Council of NC.
McLaughlin, R. A. 1996. Keeping our mountains green and growing. Crop Prot. Assoc. of N.C. August newsletter.
McLaughlin, R. A. and H. F. Wade. 1995. A new relationship between soils, pesticide use, and the law. 1995 Soil Science Society of North Carolina Proceedings Vol. XXXVIII.
Matson, K. C., C. Stallings, G. D. Jennings, R. A. McLaughlin, and S. W. Coffey. 1995. Watershed scale hydrologic modeling in a GIS environment. In: Proc. GIS/LIS ’95, Volume 2. Bethesda, MD: Am. Soc. of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Pp. 713-722; 1995.
Stone, K. C., J. M. Novak, G. D. Jennings, R. A. McLaughlin, and P. G. Hunt. 1995. Ground water quality in an Eastern Coastal Plain watershed. In Proc. Of the Clean Water/Clean Environment – 21st Century Conference, Kansas City, MO. Am. Soc. Ag. Eng., St. Joseph, MI.
McLaughiln, R. A. 1995. The current state of groundwater in North Carolina. Pest. Assoc. N.C. May newsletter.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. D. Jennings, and R. O. Evans. 1994. The Turfgrass Environmental Research Facility: A new lysimeter facility at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Center. Abs. Proc. Soil Sci Soc. Am. Annual Meeting, Seatle, WA. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A., K. Balu, and R. Ross, and T. Wiepke. 1994. Metolachlor dissipation at 5 sites in the United States. 8th International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Pesticide Chemistry Conference, Washington, D.C.
McLaughlin, R. A., G. D. Jennings, and R. O. Evans. 1994. A golf green lysimeter system for measuring potential water quality impacts. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 Agronomy Society of America Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA.
McLaughlin, R. A., and B. Williams. 1994. Are golf courses handicapping coastal water quality? Water Environment and Technology, July edition. Water Environment Federation, Columbus, OH.
McLaughlin, R.A., R.H. Ross, K. Balu. 1993. Diazinon degradation and dissipation in the root zone. A.M. Linn, ed., “Sorption and Degradation of Pesticides and Organic Chemcals in Soil.” ASA Special Publication AS322.68. Agronomy Society of America, Madison, WI.
McLaughlin, R. A. 1993. Golf course chemicals: Environmental contamination is immense or infinitesimal…but which? North Carolina Turfgrass, Winter 1993-94, Turfgrass Council of North Carolina and Proceedings, Southeast North Caroilna Turfgrass Conference.
Kyranos, J.N., P. Farrow, and R.A. McLaughlin. 1991. Analysis of primisulfuron-methyl sulfonylurea herbicide by HPLC/MS using the moving belt interface. Annual Meeting of American Society of Mass Spectrometry, Atlanta.
McLaughlin, R.A., H.T. Chang, M.B.K. Bicking, K. Balu, and R.H. Ross. 1990. A small-scale prospective ground water study of Beacon herbicide. 11th SETAC Annual Meeting, Crystal City, VA
SoilFacts: Fiber Check Dams and Polyacrylamide for Water Quality Improvement (2009)
SoilFacts: The North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Pollution Control Program (2008)
SoilFacts: Surface Outlets for Sediment Basins (2008)
SoilFacts: Mulch Options for Erosion Control on Construction Sites (2008)
SoilFacts: Chemical Turbidity Control in Pumped Construction Site Water (2008)
SoilFacts: Chemical Treatment to Control Turbidity on Construction Sites (2007)
SoilFacts: Using Polyacrylamide (PAM) to Reduce Erosion on Construction Sites (2006)
SoilFacts: Using Baffles to Improve Sediment Basins (2005)
SoilFacts: Conservation Compliance: The Clock Is Running (1997)
SoilFacts: The North Carolina erosion and sedimentation pollution control program.